Emerald Men's Shed
Hills Hub, 400A Belgrave-Gembrook Rd, Emerald, Vic
0490 851 835


Australian Men's Shed Association





Emerald men’s shed

Emerald Men’s Shed has finally moved to the new Hills Hub Community building in Emerald.

Emerald Men’s Shed commenced operation 2008 in a Green Shipping Container, aptly called the Green Shed. Then around 2011 we relocated to the old Emerald Fire Station.

The Cardinia Shire engaged with the Emerald Community with a plan to develop a new Community Hub that would better service the community as a whole, and as a result the old Emerald Fire Station and other associated buildings are being demolished during February 2018 to make way for a new and larger community hub. So we moved to a temporary large tin shed at Madigan Way.

Emerald men’s shed
It is 2020 and we have relocated again!

We are now in the “Hills Hub, Emerald” situated on the corner of Belgrave-Gembrook Road and Beaconsfield Emerald Road Emerald.

Over the years the Emerald Men’s Shed has grown and developed into an inspired group of men who want to give back to the Community of Emerald, and have fun doing it.
We have a current membership of 22 men and encourage anyone interested to come see what we do and if you like it, join us.

We as a Men’s Shed embrace all forms of experience in all forms of trades, yet make no demands on participants on how or what they do in the time they spend at the shed – sit and chat, have coffee, work on a Shed project, work on a Community Project – not sure how to use the tools - it all the same to us – fun and comradery is the important reason for coming along.

If you want any more information either email us
at mensshedemerald@gmail.com
or call to 0490 851 835

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  Portal engine source code is copyright © 2018 by Emerald Mens Shed. All Rights Reserved
